Data Search (For already registered users)

Note: If you have tracking number in your email address, please search your data & update your information !!

Driving Test Cancellations Finder (For new users registration)


Select Test Centres You Want To Take Your Test In

There is no priority among the selected test centres. Whatever you select may come first will be booked for you. Try to select as many centres as you can, the more is easier to find. Do not select the test centres you do not want to take your test in.

Test Date

Select available dates and unavailable dates below and click on an empty space on the screen.
DVSA asks for a £13 extra payment for special days like weekends or hard to find dates,do you consent us to pay this amount on your behalf? If you select this option we will pay on your behalf,then you need to send the amount to our bank account. If unselected, any days that require and extra payment will be ignore, many good opportunities may be missed out if unselected.
Gap between the test date and the date of booking as days (number of calendar days you need to be ready after your booking is made). Be careful about the short notice tests (unchangeable nonrefundable tests) Any values selected below 6 days may book you a short notice test and that will be unchangeable and non-refundable and this is the users responsibility.